05/02/15 #533: What’s in a name?

Who are you? Who, who, who, who? Who are the current global athletes or which sports names are recognized around the world by people of all ages? Global spine surgeon Dr. Scott Blumenthal joins Dr. Souryal and his crew to ponder this, sports medicine, current events, “Souryal-isms”, eponyms, drug naming, and more.

The queries start with a 60 year old who wants to know how to start to get back in shape after having no regular exercise for a while. Then a 50 year old long distance runner may have a meniscus rather than an MCL injury but wants to know if he can run on it while it heals, a basketball player with a healed MCL injury now has some hip trouble, and a biker/runner has no pain but a funny bone-on-bone feeling at times.

A Souryal Story about a patient who refused to pay his co-pay leads into The Business of Medicine segment about understanding insurance and provider policies. Then the questions continue from a dirt bike rider with some arm pain three years after an injury, a soldier who has a complicated “tics and fleas” issue that needs diagnoses, a retiree has disc problems and radiating pain, a father asking how long his son’s Osgood-Schlatter pain may last, and the final caller describes the shoulder instability that runs strong his family, but there may be ways the next generation can avoid this curse.