01/24/2015 – Episode 523: You may be right, I may be crazy

Former Dallas Cowboys defensive lineman and double Super Bowl Champion Tony Casillas was not able to join us but we hope to have him on soon.

What can we say about shoulders? So, so much. Kobe Bryant’s injury is in the news while on this show listeners call in questions about their own shoulder injuries. Some good advice: don’t drive while in severe pain. Call 911 to get a ride to the emergency room! Dr. Souryal starts to explain the mechanics of these injuries in his Sports Medicine 101 segment. Appropriately, rotator cuff repair specialist and shoulder surgeon Dr. Richard Levy comes on in the second hour to detail diagnosis and the range of treatments available for rotator cuff injuries.

The questions keep coming by phone, text, or email and spark discussions on HIPAA and privacy for pro athletes, the difference between subluxation and dislocation, the differences between a strain or sprain and tear, and evaluating the subjective and objective level of disability a person may have after an injury. You can’t see pain!