Hip Replacement, Carpal Tunnel, Pinch Nerve & Chiropractor, Treating Dirk Nowitzki
Dr. Souryal talks with a caller about a hip replacement and another caller carpal tunnel, he talks with another caller about hip replacement and chiropractor.
Dr. Souryal talks with a caller about a hip replacement and another caller carpal tunnel, he talks with another caller about hip replacement and chiropractor.
The Docs talk about shoulder pain.
The doctors talk to a caller about neck injury who is a weight lifter. They also answered a text question about gel injections
Dr. Brad Bellard and Dr. Scott Blumenthal join the King of Texting, AKA Dr. Souryal, for another episode packed with sports medicine infotainment. The conversation starts with the cupping fad at the Rio Olympics, Cool Runnings, and wondering if the thrill is gone.
Our first caller had a farm accident and thoracic back surgery but now has rotator cuff issues and needs a better diagnosis before more treatment. A caller with a torn labrum ponders whether he healed his own shoulder while putting off surgery. A 39 year old had knee surgery in his twenties but has some numbness and tingling after sitting and wonders if it is related to his former knee problems. A 24 year old who works out intensely and regularly sometimes has some upper back pain that takes his breath away.
In the second hour there is more conversation on the Rio Olympics and a debate on the line between performance enhancing practices and unfair/illegal drugs or procedures for athletes. Then a caller with tingling fingers and pain in his shoulder years after an auto accident may have posterior subluxation and wonders what he can do about it. Dr. Souryal goes on to explain sciatica, piriformis issues, and back pain. The show winds down as the modern Hippocratic Oath, Olympic heroes, and new ping pong rules, among others, are discussed. Psst…any Sharks out there?
Honest to goodness…so much to talk about today! Dr. Souryal is joined by Dr. Brad Bellard and Dr. Scott Blumenthal for a wide-ranging conversation on sports, medicine, and current events. Our first caller has worker’s compensation struggles, then Dr. Scott Blumenthal explains the treatment and recovery process for a herniated disc, and the relation between business and medicine weaves through the whole show. Another caller asks if artificial disc replacement might be a good option for him, a biker’s neck pain travels to his right hand, a 15 year old soccer player had an ACL repair and later a patellar dislocation and her father asks what to do next for this rare injury combination. An avid weightlifter has stingers on his right arm in his sleep and on his bike, but not at the gym and wonders what kind of doctor he should see first. Then we finally get to The Business of Medicine as the doctors discuss some situations where doctors can be reimbursed more for an inferior procedure or equipment from insurance than the option that works well for patients, ending with observations on the efficacy of stem cell procedures.
Keeping it real, Folks!