05/23/15 #535: Worst is First

Dr. T.O. Souryal is joined by talented spine surgeon Dr. Scott Blumenthal and the ideal sports medicine specialist, Dr. Brad Bellard. All bring their wisdom and cool factor to today’s episode! The Docs start off responding to a call about a possible bruised tailbone and anatomic variations. This leads into a discussion of the hope or hype of new procedures or fads such as kinesio tape, trendy stem cell treatment, and cryotherapy.

The Sports Medicine 101 topic at the top of the hour is the classic medical terms or symptoms, like chest pains and headaches, that immediately get the attention of medical professionals and may signal a serious condition.

Calls continue to come in about an evolving diagnosis after a slip on spilled water, an active 33 year old with a popped knee/subluxation and a caller with spinal stenosis, another wants to know if a spinal fusion can be reversed. The last caller is a runner with a sacroiliac problem who has to sort out medical advice that doesn’t match up and treatment that has gone on way too long.