Rose Bowl, Sports Medicine 101: Patellar Tendonosis

The Doctors talk with a caller about Rose Bowl game, Sports medicine 101: patellar tendonosis
The Doctors talk with a caller about Rose Bowl game, Sports medicine 101: patellar tendonosis
The Doctors discuss a wrist injury and a career path for sports medicine.
Dr. Souryal and Dr. Karim Meijer talk about Sports Medicine technology and advancements.
Preeminent spine surgeon Dr. Scott Blumenthal and Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Karim Meijer join Dr. Souryal today. The doctors get the ball rolling talking about scar tissue and Tony Romo, the complications of steroid use, the EpiPen situation, and then get to the calls.
First off- an internist adds his two cents about price gouging in the pharmaceutical industry. The next caller is on his feet all day with plantar fasciitis and wonders if he should stop his cortisone shots. A young baseball player has knee pain without a diagnosis, a 54 year old with an arthritic ankle may need an ankle replacement and the right surgeon to do it, and a caller with back pain has had four injections after back bulges as well as a five level laminectomy. After twenty more injections he still has pain and needs more awareness before more procedures. Dr. Souryal explains the diagnosis, patient, procedure dynamic and risk/reward equations. A former athlete in her 40’s needs knee evaluation, a runner is about to have a Subchondroplasty procedure in his knee and asks about recovery time for this new procedure, a soldier discusses the psychological element of his treatment for chronic back pain, and a very tall 48 year old is falling apart and wonders if there may be a genetic link to his issues.
Dr. Brad Bellard and Dr. Scott Blumenthal join the King of Texting, AKA Dr. Souryal, for another episode packed with sports medicine infotainment. The conversation starts with the cupping fad at the Rio Olympics, Cool Runnings, and wondering if the thrill is gone.
Our first caller had a farm accident and thoracic back surgery but now has rotator cuff issues and needs a better diagnosis before more treatment. A caller with a torn labrum ponders whether he healed his own shoulder while putting off surgery. A 39 year old had knee surgery in his twenties but has some numbness and tingling after sitting and wonders if it is related to his former knee problems. A 24 year old who works out intensely and regularly sometimes has some upper back pain that takes his breath away.
In the second hour there is more conversation on the Rio Olympics and a debate on the line between performance enhancing practices and unfair/illegal drugs or procedures for athletes. Then a caller with tingling fingers and pain in his shoulder years after an auto accident may have posterior subluxation and wonders what he can do about it. Dr. Souryal goes on to explain sciatica, piriformis issues, and back pain. The show winds down as the modern Hippocratic Oath, Olympic heroes, and new ping pong rules, among others, are discussed. Psst…any Sharks out there?