06/06/15 #537: Live Loud, maybe

It’s a beautiful day in North Texas and we hope anywhere you can listen to Inside Sports Medicine, which is everywhere! This is a pure call-in show with Dr. T.O. Souryal fielding all questions.

Our first caller asks why people use elite athletes as models for fitness and health when professional athletes get injured so much, then a basketball player turns to volleyball after an achilles injury, and a 65 year old asks for advice on lifting weights in a healthy way. Next a soccer player asks about a full brace versus a strap for knee support and protection, a caller with shoulder pain and tingling fingers asks whether stem cell injections may help his condition(s), and three months after an Osteochondral Allograft a patient has swelling and discomfort.

Apropos to Cleveland Cavaliers point guard Kyrie Irving’s fractured kneecap, Dr. Souryal spends some time going over the difference between a fracture and a break in the second hour, then returns to the calls.

Two months is too long to live with excruciating pain, so an MRI may be the next logical step for one patient, a bowler has more knee pain than he feels he should have, a 64 year old has ankle trouble, another caller has pain and swelling in his knee that keeps him up at night, and a slow pitch pitcher had a delayed reaction to a line drive to the knee and extended problems over time. The last “terrible” caller has extreme swelling in her knee and needs direction before her next appointment- perhaps straight to the ER.